Varkoula Location

Varkoula Quarry   The company operates a marble quarry at Varkoula located in Stavropodi, of the municipality of Nafplio in the regional unit of Argolis. It covers an area of 43.190 m2 and has been operating since 2018. The extraction is done with the modern method of diamond wire cutting. The Mycenae Marble, in shades…

Kotaina Location

Kotaina Quarry   The company operates a marble quarry at Kotaina located in Iliokastro, of the municipality of Ermioni, in the regional unit of Argolis. It covers an area of 43.980 m2 and has been operating since 2020. The extraction is done with the modern method of diamond wire cutting. The Epidaurus Marble is mined…

Plasa Location

Plasa Quarry   The company operates two adjacent marble quarries at Plasa, located in Didima, in the municipality of Ermionida, Argolis Regional Unit. They cover an area of 70.520 m2 in total and have been in operation since 2009. The extraction is done using the modern method of diamond wire cutting. The Didima Marble (beige…

Mycenae Marble

Mycenae marble is the first type of marble that was mined from the Argolis region. It is a calcareous marble with dark beige color and red veins in intricate formations which give a special decorative value. The red veins come from the secondary filling of limonite (iron oxides) in limestone. It is a marble of…

Epidaurus Grey Marble

Epidaurus marble is mined in Argolis. It is a calcareous marble and mined in shades of red, grey, and brown. The grey marble of Epidaurus is light in color and has white veins. Its earth tones come together with the great geological value of Epidaurus to offer an excellent solution for floor applications, and interior,…

Epidaurus Brown Marble

The marble of Epidaurus is mined in Argolis. It is a calcareous marble mined in shades of red, grey, and brown. The brown marble of Epidaurus shows dark veins that often create cloudy formations. The intricate designs it presents in combination with the timeless value of marble give character to any space as it can…

Epidaurus Red Marble

The marble of Epidaurus is mined in Argolis. It is a calcareous marble mined in shades of red, grey, and brown. The red Epidaurus marble has white waters. Its color is attributed to the Ammonitico Rosso limestones found in the Argolis region. With a market presence originating back to the 80’s, in floors of well-known…

Didima Marble

Didima marble originating from Argolis, is the most mined marble in the region, with a well-established position in the domestic marble market. It is a dolomitic marble of beige color with light colored stripes. It has excellent durability and is ideal for both indoor and outdoor use, floors, and stairs, due to its mineral composition.…

Didima Marble Pulpis

Pulpis Didima marble belongs to the Didima marble family. It is a dolomitic marble of grey color with white veins. It has the same mineralogical composition and characteristics as Didima marble. These characteristics combined with its earthy hue, make it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use, floors, stairs. Laboratory tests and analysis results PHYSICAL…